During the Introduction week we held a Czech themed afternoon called Get-to-know Czech! It was our way how to show the exchange students our culture and cuisine. We started with a presentation about The Czech Republic and then through some dancing lesson we moved to eating and drinking our traditional food. Now, few weeks later we gave a chance to our exchange students to present their country and what is the best from it. We were able to Get-to-know Turkey, China, Russia, Spain and Uzbekistan.
We all gathered in one place at Thursday´s late afternoon. Starting with the presentations, we were able to discover which cuisine is typical for which kind of region in Turkey, how beautiful Moscow´s monuments are and what exactly is Flamenco.
And then the food. All kinds of food - sweet, salty, spicy, sour, hot, cold and not just a food but also drinks. Each table for each country had a chance to tell the others what exactly they prepared, what does it contain, how do you make it and so on. Since almost all of the products were eaten and drunk, I can say that it was a success. We all enjoyed it and maybe lated during the semester we can make a second edition.